Abundant Living Conference — Lauren Selfridge

 Connect, expand, recharge & celebrate in community.


April 8-10, 2022

Virtual Conference

for therapists with chronic illness + health challenges


your clinical knowledge


self-care practices


with other therapists who get it


Our focus throughout this 2.5 day live-streamed conference is on the whole therapist: mind, body and spirit.

Because our personal fulfillment directly impacts the work we do.


The Abundant Living Conference is co-sponsored with the Insight Center, who will be providing Continuing Education credits (CEUs).




Andrea Barbour


Anastasia (Onyx) Fujii


Celia O. Hilson



Michelle Horton LMFT


Lucía Lilikoi
Singer-Songwriter, Sound Healer


Rev. Julie Novas



Asher Pandjiris


Amanda Pratt


Hayley D Quinn
PhD ClinPsych BPsych



Becky Robbins
MA, LMHC, CYT, REAT (pending), CCDW


Lauren Selfridge


Emily Whitish




The following workshops offer
1.5 Continuing education unitS (ceuS) EACH:


Wonder, Resilience, and the Clinician's Good Enough Practice

with Andrea Barbour, MA, LMFT, PhD (ABD)


Nourishing and Sustaining the Vitality of Trauma Therapists: The Kintsugi Therapist Collective

with Anastasia (Onyx) Fujii, LCSW
and Asher Pandjiris, LCSW, MA


Cultivating Intuition Through Self-Care Practices

with Celia O. Hilson, LMFT, M.Ed.


Coping With Chronic Illness: Using the COPE Inventory to Identify Treatment Goals

with Amanda Pratt, LCSW


Welcome to Self®: Caring for the Human in the Therapist Chair

with Hayley D Quinn, PhD ClinPsych BPsych


Expressive Arts for Moving Through Your Day

with Becky Robbins, MA, LMHC, CYT, REAT (pending), CCDW


Policies and Procedures to Build a Joyful and Flourishing Private Practice – Without the Overwhelm

with Emily Whitish, LMHC


Additional activities and classes (NO CEUS Offered):


Therapist “Speed-Meeting” Social

with Lauren Selfridge, LMFT


When Your Health Enters The Room: Navigating Therapist Self-Disclosure About Health Challenges (Panel Discussion)

with Michelle Horton, LMFT


Chair Yoga for Every Body

with Rev. Julie Novas, JD, LCSW, 200CYT


The Secret Lives of Therapists: Open Mic, Talent Share & Storytelling Hour

with Lauren Selfridge, LMFT, Comedian


Healing Sound Bath

with Lucia Lilikoi, Singer-Songwriter, Multi-Instrumentalist, Sound Healer



All workshops except yoga and sound healing will be
recorded for replaying 30 days after the conference
(as long as you register by March 31)

All times listed are in
Pacific Time (PST)




Registration open through
March 31


Conference Pass

Conference Pass +

The Full Cup Experience

  • One pass for the 2.5-day online conference April 8-10, 2022

  • 30 days of access to workshop recordings after the conference

2022 conference registration is now closed.

Would you like to be notified about future events for therapists with chronic illness + health challenges?

  • Everything in the Conference Pass, plus…

The Full Cup Experience:

  • A 90-minute pre-conference reception and tea tasting event on April 8 @ 10:30am PST

  • A box of three tasting teas shipped to your home

  • 6 months of a highlighted listing in the Therapists Who Get It directory, featuring a photo of you or your business logo. This directory is for clients seeking therapists who understand living with health challenges.

  • Access to a special pre-recorded event, Being Friends With Your Body, co-hosted by Conference Director Lauren Selfridge & Conference Panel Moderator Michelle Horton

2022 conference registration is now closed.

Would you like to be notified about future events for therapists with chronic illness + health challenges?




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